About Us

Healing happens, Top Down, Inside out

We believe that the human body has an amazing inbuilt ability to heal and recover from almost anything, given the right circumstance. At Jewells Family Wellness Centre we work with the body to assist in that healing process.

As with everything, healing takes time! If a problems has taken 10 years to form, then naturally, it is going to take some months and even years to heal and recover to its fullest potential.

Our goal is to find the things your body needs and to provide those in a loving and safe space, so that your body can return to its best over time and to stay that way for the rest of your days.

Our Team

  • Alexa Kennedy - Chiropractor

    Alexa was first introduced to chiropractic soon after birth when her arm was paralyzed for the first 3 months of her life. Her family took the natural pathways to avoid surgery on their baby and thus her love for chiropractic was 'born'.

    Her chiropractic passion stems from her own upbringing that focused on a natural, healthy start to life.

    Chiropractic helped Alexa to gain mobility, strength and independence when her arm presented challenges. She was able to represented NZ internationally from the age of 10 and at multiple open world championships until age 20 in the sport of trampoline.

    Alexa knew what she was going to do after school from age 14 as chiropractic was a no brainer for her. She graduated from The New Zealand College of Chiropractic and after practicing in NZ, moved to the beautiful Newcastle where her wonderful partner and his family are based.

    Outside of her adjusting hours, she loves reading, snacking, exercise, and watching sitcoms.

  • Damien Nowak - Chiropractic Assistant

    Having undergone brain surgery due to a hemorrhage in his HSC year, Damien developed a passion for health and wellness.

    While studying a Bachelor in Exercise and Sport Science, he joined the team at Jewells Family Wellness to supplement his knowledge on healthcare.

    Outside work, Damien enjoys football, video games, watching movies, and spending time with his girlfriend.

  • Brittany

    Brittany Cole - Chiropractic Assistant

    Growing up in a family with an anaphylactic brother, Brittany had a very health conscious upbringing, learning about natural remedies and organic farming from her parents.

    With a passion for health and wellness she is currently studying for her Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Arts and Health with the University of Tasmania.

    In her own time Brittany loves to watch Korean cooking shows, paint, do yoga and read fantasy novels.

  • Irene Gardiner - Muscle health practitioner

    Irene offers remedial massage, lymphatic drainage, relaxation massage (with or without aromatherapy), trigger point massage, hot stones, and muscle conditioning massage so there is something for everyone!

    Irene is with us all day on Thursdays.

    Outside of the clinic Irene enjoys working on her family farm and getting out in the surf for some waves.